There are two main market types for models. One is commercial and one is editorial. What does it mean to have two different types of markets? It means that there is a place for many different people to enter this industry! Finding the right market for you is the first step to being successful.
M&I National Model- Shelby Blake (Editorial)
EDITORIAL: High fashion markets revolve around showcasing designer clothing. Because of this specific demand, models must meet certain physical criteria such as height and measurements.
M&I National Model- Anyah Polk-Darby (Commercial)
COMMERCIAL: Commercial markets are product markets. This means that the need for models is very diverse. Clients in these markets need models who fit a specific bill and it can be different every time. Ethnicity, height, size, and age of commercial models vary all across the board.
Every city is defined by editorial or commercial needs. Some rare cities can encompass both. Where does Wichita fit into this? Wichita is a commercial market through and through. The needs of our clients vary greatly by project. Physical characteristics don’t come into play as strongly in Wichita as do professional qualities. Models need to follow a strict code of professionalism to maintain a career in any market.
When we are asked, “what is my potential” by people after we have first met them, we can’t answer them. We don’t know if they will be on time, be respectful, take it seriously and strive harder every day to be the best they can be until we get to know them and see them in action. These are truly some of the top characteristics of a successful model.
Are you a commercial or an editorial model? This is one of the first questions you need to discover in order to head in the right direction. Without knowing this, you can easily go down the wrong road and get the wrong idea of your potential in this industry.